YT Vid Thumbnail - What i Love of about.. - lipstick - perfect kiss.jpg

Make up has always made me feel powerful…

And I want to share that feeling with all of YOU! I have always loved make up.❤️ Ever since I can remember, my grandmother always had on red lipstick. No matter where she was going, even if she was just staying in the house! And my great grandmother always had her eyebrows slayed. I was always around these amazing make up guru’s.

As a kid, I was in a multitude of dance recitals or on stage performing something. So naturally, getting into my glam ✨ became my favorite part.

Over the years, I’ve spent more time than I’d like to admit watching YouTube tutorials and experimenting with all types of looks. My make up is an extension of who I am, it is my favorite form of art and I want to help you find the products that truly spark joy and allow you to express your best self.

This make up is an ode to black women because it is who I am and it is what brought me here today, but this is for everyone. Representation matters and you matter.

It will make you look so good you’ll want to kiss yourself! 💋

